How Long Should a Mattress Last?

Have you counted the number of days you slept in your mattress? Is it time to change for a new mattress? This is a question that many people have given little thoughts about.

Mattress King

Considering the fact that we spend almost one third of our lifespan sleeping, our mattress is one of the most often make use furniture in our house. If you do the math, an average person spends between eight hours per day on bed. If you compute it over a year, that is three thousand hours, and it multiply to a staggering thirty thousand hours over ten years - all on the same old mattress.

Mattress King

So the question is, how long should a mattress last? Here are some question and answers to help you out.

Question: What's the average lifespan of a mattress?

Most mattresses can last a good eight to ten years. Beyond that, the mattress support will be fewer firms and you will feel the bed losing its comfort dominance. As it's pretty difficult to remember how many years you have use, it may be wise to keep the receipts when you buy the mattress or alternatively, paste a expiry date sticker yourself at the sideboard of the bed to remind yourself.

Question: My mattress looks worn and uneven and it's not even the 4th year. Should I change them even though it's barely hit the 5th year?

If you have bought a cheap mattress of low quality, it is not surprised to find problems after a few years of sleep on it. The mattress may be worn out and uneven, showing signs of sags and uneven.

Question: Are there any other telltale signs for me to change my mattress?

The short answer is yes. If you frequently feel tired, worn-out or dead beat after you have woken up, it is probably a sign that the mattress has lost its effectiveness. Once you feel any discomfort, it's time for you to consider getting a new one. For more obvious signs, creaks and other groans from the mattress will alert you it's time to shop for a new one.

How Long Should a Mattress Last?
Mattress King

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